Why Blown Mulch Is Better for Your Commercial Property

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Why Blown Mulch Is Better for Your Commercial Property

Mulch Blowers of Florida
Published by Corinne Schmidt in Blown In Mulch · 10 January 2019
Tags: commercialblowninmulch
Why Blown Mulch Is Better for Your Commercial Property

Is it time to replace the mulch around your commercial property to spruce up your landscaping? Instead of trying to spread mulch with your own maintenance crew, you will want to hire a blown mulch specialist for installation. Blown mulch has several advantages over traditional hand-spread mulch, which makes it a wise choice for property owners and managers who want their exterior to look well-maintained. Here are just a few of the reasons why blown mulch is superior to regular mulch installation.

Quick as a Wink

Spreading mulch by hand is a labor-intensive process. It can take a large crew up to a day or two to distribute mulch evenly throughout your landscaping beds, and they may need a fair amount of equipment, including wheelbarrows, shovels, and rakes, to do the work. With blown mulch, however, a small team of workers can spread the mulch in a matter of hours, not days. Often, they can be in and out with little interruption to your workday and little inconvenience to the people who use your property.

Easy Access

Even a well-planned outdoor space may have hard-to-reach areas that makes it difficult for a yard crew to spread mulch. Any slopes, odd edges, and even rooftops may require mulching, but is next to impossible to access by traditional means. Blown mulch, on the other hand, gets into those spaces with ease. A large hose even reaches the top of a building without the need for a crew to make many trips to tote mulch to where it is needed.

See the Savings

While different types of mulch may have different price tags, one of the main expenses with mulch spreading is the labor. The more workers and the longer it takes, the more you have to shell out to pay for it all. Blown mulch, on the other hand, is spread by a small experienced team quickly, which can keep down some of the expense.

If you want to give blown mulch a try for your commercial property, contact Mulch Blowers of Florida today by calling 941-214-9613 and see what a difference it can make.

5311 36th Ave East
Palmetto FL, 34221

Email: info@mulchblowersofflorida.com

Monday - Friday: 7am to 9pm
Saturday: 8am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed
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